Watch this video as Pastor Nic explains how you can know God and find new life, hope, joy, peace, strength and purpose through a relationship with Jesus.
What now?
If you prayed the prayer in the video and meant it, you have now received that new life through Jesus and become a Christian.
You may not feel any different but if you have invited Jesus into your life then you have been forgiven and he has come into your life!
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
3 things to help you grow:
1 Bible
Start reading the Bible daily. The book of Luke is a great place to start.
2 Prayer
Start praying daily. Talk to God as you would a friend. Want to know more? Read this.
3 Church
Connect to a local church. Watch a service online and contact the Pastor. Let us help you.