We exist to help people find life, community and purpose in Jesus.

Our Values

Three Core Values express our heart and priorities:

1. Jesus is our message
We believe the fullness of life we were created to live is found only through Jesus, who gave His own life so that we can know God and find freedom.

2. People are our passion
We exist to see people saved, healed, and transformed, finding new life and purpose in community together.

3. Love is our mandate
We choose to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as Jesus would.


Our Beliefs

We take God at His Word.

The Bible
We believe the Bible is God's Word, given to humanity to reveal His heart, character and purposes. We believe it was inspired by God and written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the absolute and final source of truth and is authoritative for Christian beliefs and living.

We believe in one true God who exists eternally as three distinct yet equal Persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that God created humans to have a relationship with Him. We believe that He cares deeply for all of humanity, desires for each and every person to find their way back to a restored relationship with Him, and has made this possible through Jesus.

We believe that the best decision you could ever make is to follow Jesus. Only Jesus, through his death and resurrection, makes a relationship with God the Father possible. Jesus alone has made us right with God, by taking the punishment for our wrong-doing (what the Bible calls sin) and inviting us into a life inspired and shaped by His unconditional love and grace.

Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit draws people to belief and faith in Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit who strengthens and gives power to those who follow Jesus as we learn to grow in our faith. The Holy Spirit works in us, inspiring and equipping us to walk out our faith, and to love, serve and encourage one another.

We believe that men and women were created good, equal in the image of God, but by voluntary wrongdoing and willful disobedience, humanity fell out of relationship with God and into the curse of sin, which resulted not only in physical death, but spiritual death (which is separation from God). As a result, we are all in need of God’s forgiveness, healing, and restoration - but we have freedom to choose whether to receive that forgiveness by believing in Jesus or whether to go our own way and continue living in brokenness, forever separated from our Creator.

New Life
We believe that, through Jesus, God freely offers us forgiveness for our sin and the gift of eternal life (being restored back into relationship with Him). There’s nothing we can do to earn this gift; it is a gift we simply receive by trusting in and choosing to follow Jesus. This new life begins the moment we truly accept Jesus into our life by faith through prayer. The inward evidence of accepting Jesus is the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit. The outward evidence is a life lived in Godly holiness that points others to Jesus as we grow and mature in our faith.

Telling Others
We believe that heaven and hell are real places and - because of this reality - helping those disconnected from God find life in Jesus is the most important responsibility we have. That’s why Numa.Church exists. That’s why ‘Jesus is our message’ (our first Core Value). Telling others about Jesus - and praying their hearts will be open - is perhaps the greatest purpose we can live for.